April 18, 2011

title? i don't have time for titles...


the queen and i are very adept at figuring out whose turn it is to get up with the peanut; "it's so your turn. i've been up for hours." sigh. she was sleeping a lot and for admirable lengths of time, so of course we jinxed ourselves by bragging about it. now we're hooped by her frequent awakenings during our favourite sleeping hours - four to nine am. cheers! i salute you, baby, with bailey's in my coffee. would you like some in your bottle? take the edge off? no? too bad... someone should make a facebook test: what will be your baby's favourite drink? ha ha. ugh. please don't drink straight vodka, that's all i ask.

it seems that by springing off some offspring, we have reinvited ourselves to all family holidays. thus, easter is once again a 'big deal'. friday at my folks' place (huge extenda-family gathering) and sunday at the farm, which leaves saturday to maybe drop in on the wife, since the wife's mom is visiting. another crazy weekend.

we just got back from the city, where once again, i felt rushed and didn't enjoy myself as much as i wanted to. but it was way, way better than it's been; the wife let us stay at her place, and then took off for most of the weekend - that woman way deserved a break from her life, and looked refreshed upon return. we also got a good brunch in with some pregnant friends - mr and mz glow (they glowed before they got knocked up, but they definitely glow now. their baby will probably glow in the dark). they visited me in the hospital - mr glow researched hemoglobin-enriching foods and brought down a small carload of food for me, and mz glow gave me some reiki. lovely couple, excited to see them breeding!

can't remember the last time i went to a queer-friendly night at a club or checked out an angsty poetry night - my life is quite hetero-normative now. also, the queen cut his hair and bought a truck, and we both wear cowboy boots; we really are living the smalltown prairie life, and need a bumpersticker that says "my other car is a gun" to complete the picture. only here and in texas, my friends...

i am noticing the crankiness setting in (in me). parenting a tiny baby, when it's not absolutely fascinating, can be somewhat boring. they ask a lot and give back cute little noises and some faeces. gee, thanks.

i think i have a life, hold on, it's under a onesie that got peed on... just a sec here...

disjointed thoughts? no, i haven't noticed that... must go read some anaïs nin while i can...

1 comment:

  1. not that hetero-normals don't go to poetry nights... except that they don't. hmm.
